Patients Rights & Responsibilities
This practice aspires to provide the highest standard of patient care. This will be achieved by patients and staff working together.
Broomburn Medical Centre Operates a Zero Tolerence policy.
Patients Rights & Responsibilities
This practice aspires to provide the highest standard of patient care. This will be achieved by patients and staff working together.
You have the right to be treated with courtesy, dignity and respect.
It is your responsibility to extend the same courtesy and politeness to practice staff
Broomburn Medical Centre Operates a Zero Tolerence policy.
You have the right to be seen urgently if your condition necessitates this.
It is your responsibility not to misuse emergency appointments that may be required for other patients
You have the right to be notified if there will be a delay in excess of 30 minutes of your appointment time.
It is your responsibility to attend appointments on time or give the practice adequate notice that you wish to cancel your appointment
You have the right to expect a high standard of efficient and up-to-date health care.
It is your responsibility to help us to provide this by being aware of the information in this booklet and accessing our services appropriately